Where Do We Go from Here? - Activity

This concluding activity engages students in applying their learning to other contemporary disagreements, including other faith and science questions. It asks them to see such disagreements not Read More →

Trash Day - Activity

Students analyze the trash from a class party and consider how trash accumulation relates to the idea of a closed system. They also step back to reflect Read More →

Seeing in Part - Activity

This is a brief introductory activity intended to establish the general idea of models as partial representations in preparation for learning about models in science and theology. Read More →

Where is Wisdom? - Activity

This activity engages students in comparing current cultural images of wise people with the concept of wisdom presented in Proverbs 8. It also invites them to see how Read More →

Write a Psalm - Activity

This activity engages students in composing a psalm in light of what they have been learning about the relationship of biblical and scientific language. It offers an Read More →