FAITH and SCIENCE activities for your classroom—designed by teachers for teachers
Play Introductory VideoTeaching FASTly honors both FAITH and SCIENCE while exploring their rich and varied interactions
Excellent teaching that encompasses both FAITH and SCIENCE means much more than occasionally addressing controversies. The classroom can be a place to encourage growth in love and appreciation for God and his creation. FAITH and SCIENCE connect in a rich variety of ways including: virtues that come into play when we practice science, motivations behind scientific study, reflections on both the nature of truth and complex ethical questions, and the appreciation of wonder and beauty. How can we help students develop in all these facets of learning?
Planning a Course on Faith and Science
A team of high school teachers planned and taught a successful semester-long course on faith and science using the FAST approach and materials. Find out how they designed their course and access their plans to adapt for your own setting.
Get Started
Everything you need to plan longer sequences of learning on faith and science!
Designed for Science and Bible Classrooms
This website provides a wide range of teaching and learning activities organized in ready‐to‐use activity maps linked to practical strategies for helping students engage fruitfully in learning about faith and science. DISCOVER activities set the stage for the topic and get students thinking. The DELVE sections promote more extended learning as the lesson unfolds. DEBRIEF activities invite reflection and bring thoughtful closure to the study. The QUICK STOP lesson plans offer an instant sampler when time is tight.