FASTLY - Faith & Science Teaching

Faith: truth

Bible Resurrection 15 min

The Absurdity of the Resurrection?

discover: This lesson attempts to raise students’ awareness of the controversial nature of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For reasons that often claim to be grounded in science, ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 40 min

Action-Reaction—You Cannot Walk Without It

delve: This activity introduces Newton's third law of motion, action - reaction, and considers how this law shows God's care. It engages students in learning through examples and ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 30 min

Adam and Eve: Full Maturity or Child-like Innocence?

delve: This more academically challenging activity looks at differences in the early church concerning the best way to interpret the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1. It ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 15 min

Agreeing and Disagreeing

discover: By secondary school most students are aware that Christians agree about many things and disagree about others. This activity sets Christian agreement and disagreement about creation in ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 40 min

Analyzing Motives and Methods

debrief: This activity can be used as a test essay or take-home assignment to follow up and assess learning from Activity 4: The DNA Drama. Students engage in critical ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 60 min

Are Chemical Reactions Closed Systems?

delve: This activity engages students in lab work to help them connect the idea of a closed system to analysis of chemical reactions. It also raises the question ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet 30 min

Are You My Neighbor?

discover: The goal of this activity is to help students see how online behavior calls for concern not only for truth, but also for relational virtues. ...

Bible Resurrection HW + 30 min

Arguments for the Resurrection

delve: This activity allows students to engage in more detail with some of the key arguments advanced in favor of the resurrection and to consider the kinds of ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet

Ask the Class

delve: This activity aims to support student-adult conversations about science and faith and to draw those conversations into the life of the science class. It engages students in ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 15 min

Ask the Community

discover: This activity is designed to get students talking to their parents or another adult about the topic of stewardship....

Bible Wonder and Wisdom

Asking Around

delve: This activity actively engages students in considering different perspectives on a biblical text by having them interview readers with different training and interests. It aims to help ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 35 min

At the Well

delve: This Bible class activity engages students in examining how different mental models of the causes of people’s behavior lead to different interpretations of John 4. This offers ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 5 min

Beliefs about Knowledge

discover: This is a short introductory activity intended to enable students to articulate their initial assumptions about scientific and theological knowledge, prior to learning about the role of ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 25 min

Beliefs about Knowledge Revisited

debrief: This activity revisits the questionnaire from the activity Beliefs About Knowledge. It invites students to look again at their earlier answers and to see how their thinking ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 20 min

Believe It or Not?

discover: This activity for science or Bible class engages students in thinking about what makes us accept things as true. What constitutes evidence for us? Students will consider ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 20 min

The Bible and Bodies

discover: The goal of this activity is to have students read and respond to a variety of Bible passages that talk about our physical bodies, understanding that they ...

Bible Resurrection 30 min

The Bible and the Afterlife, Part 1

delve: This is the first of a pair of activities focusing on the beliefs of ancient Jews regarding what happens after death. It aims to help students see ...

Bible Resurrection 30 min

The Bible and the Afterlife, Part 2

delve: This activity continues Activity 4: The Bible and the Afterlife, Part 1, by focusing on the deuterocanonical writings and the New Testament. It helps students to see the range ...

Relationships Homework

Biological Phenomenon

delve: This activity engages students in visually representing scientific information, and in imparting it to an adult conversation partner with an emphasis on both clarity and respectful, supportive ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 20 min

Bodies and Callings

discover: Micah 6:8 offers a concise and powerful statement of the human calling before God: “What does the Lord require? Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God” (emphasis ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 10 min

Boil the Water

discover: This is a short starter activity intended to get students thinking about whether events can have multiple causes. Using the example of boiling water, you will encourage ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 20 min

Brains and Covenants

delve: This activity is intended to get students thinking about how multiple levels of description, scientific and non-scientific, can coexist....

Relationships Labs and Community 12 min


discover: The following brainstorming activity requires students to think deeply about a topic or concept, rather than just skimming the surface, as a preparation for delving into a ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 15 min

Breaking the “Laws” of Nature

debrief: The word "law" implies a rule that cannot be broken. What do we mean when we refer to a pattern in nature, such as inertia, as a ...

Relationships Homework

Build a Cell

delve: This activity focuses on the virtues needed for collaborative scientific work and offers practice in cooperation and team-building. As students interact within collaborative processes, they also learn ...

Physics Newton’s Laws HW + 30 min

Building a Balloon-Powered Vehicle

debrief: This activity draws together more than one dimension of teaching FASTly by asking students to consider the relationship of faith to both scientific ideas and collaborative practice ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 60 min

Building a Protein

delve: The relationship between faith and science is not just about evaluating scientific and theological claims. Another connection happens when the language of faith draws imagery from the ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 15 min

Burning Water

delve: This demonstration, in which a sample of water appears to burn, helps students to see that water purity is impossible to gauge with the naked eye, and ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 25 min


delve: This activity engages students in interpreting a "discrepant event" and distinguishing their observations from their inferences. It helps students see how scientific models can be based on ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 25 min

The Challenges of Surgery on the Space Station

debrief: This short activity asks students to apply what they know about Newton's laws of motion to the problem of doing surgery in space and to revisit the ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 15 min

Chemical or Not?

discover: This activity raises the question for students of what virtues have to do with chemistry, making their assumptions explicit as a basis for further learning....

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 15 min

Chemical or Not? Revisited

debrief: This repeats the initial activity to allow students to see whether their assumptions have shifted during their work on the activity map. ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 25 min

Chemistry and Shalom

discover: This introductory activity guides students to consider what shalom is and how it may be related to studying chemistry. ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 40 min

Chemistry FASTly Review

debrief: This review activity is appropriate for the end of a semester or a longer teaching sequence. It provides a communal way of reviewing material that creates interactions ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 25 min

Christian Differences Today: Creation and Evolution

debrief: This activity connects what students learned about differences and unity from previous activities to a contemporary faith and science controversy. It engages students in actively thinking outside ...

Relationships Labs and Community 5 min

Closing Questions

debrief: This brief closing activity allows students to reflect on the virtues and scientific concepts covered during a class period. Engaging students in brief reflection, both on the ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 35 min

Clothe Yourselves

debrief: This activity uses two New Testament passages to engage students in exploring Christian virtues and their relevance to the practice of science. It encourages them to see ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 45 min

Collaborating and Model Building

delve: This activity focuses on the virtues needed for collaborative scientific work. As students interact within collaborative processes, they will also learn the key concepts that are necessary ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet

A Collaborative Resource

delve: In this activity, students work collaboratively to generate a bank of online resources about science and faith. This engages them in exploring a particular website in depth ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community

Communicating Goals

discover: Teaching FASTly includes attending to relationships. Good communication with parents should not begin with alerting them when difficult topics are approaching, but should be part of our ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 20 - 30 min

Confessing Faith and Studying Nature

delve: This activity asks students to delve further into how careful reflection on the history of Christian faith is relevant to how we see the relationship between faith ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith

Connecting Begets Caring

delve: This activity seeks to engage students in reflection on their enjoyment of the creation, in order to forge a bond that leads to a desire to explore, ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 25 min

Cosmic Zoom

delve: This activity engages students in examining the structure of Psalm 113 and considering how its picture of God relates to the expansion of our picture of the universe ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 30 min

Creation and New Creation

delve: This activity focuses on the Bible’s teaching of a new creation in which the wounds of the old creation are healed, and asks students to see ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 15 min

Creation, Fall, Redemption

discover: The three-word summary "creation, fall, redemption" is one way among many to capture the overall narrative movement of the Bible. Although limited, it succinctly captures a key ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 40 min

Death Before the Fall?

delve: When did death enter the world? How does the theological claim that death is part of the fall relate to the scientific claim that death has been ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 30-45 min

Design a Watershed

delve: Students will each design their own plot of land and then connect their plots to make up a watershed. This leads to a definition of “watershed” and ...

Relationships Homework

Discussing Science and Change

discover: This homework activity can be used to support work in class on the nature of science. It engages students in discussion with an adult about changes in ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 90 min

The DNA Drama

delve: This activity engages students in examining the history and drama surrounding DNA's discovery. It gives them the opportunity to analyze the motives of scientists, observe and critique ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 20 min

Does Science Need Virtue?

debrief: This activity reviews students' developing understanding of the nature of science and asks how learning and practicing science might be related to virtues that are pursued in ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service HW + 30 min

Driver Safety

delve: High school is a perfect time to talk about driving safety as many students are just learning to drive and/or getting their license. How does an ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 20 min

The earth will be filled…

debrief: This short concluding exercise engages students in actively reviewing the exploration of creation as a drama. It creates an opportunity to assess students’ understanding and also invites ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors

Ecological Diagram

debrief: This activity engages students in visually representing scientific information, and teaching it to an adult conversation partner with an emphasis on both clarity, and respectful and supportive ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 35 min

The EM Spectrum

delve: This activity engages students in considering how our knowledge about the EM spectrum is connected to promoting or eroding shalom. ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 15 min

Embracing Differences

delve: People disagree about some of the biggest questions connecting faith and science. Teaching and learning FASTly involves seeing these disagreements not just as a chance to win ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 20 min

Empathy and Care for Bodies

discover: This activity engages students in reflection on the roles of scientific knowledge, ethical reflection, and empathy in decision making when our decisions affect the bodily well-being of ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom

An Essay

debrief: This activity provides a substantial assessment of learning from the previous activities in this map that also fosters family conversation about faith and science questions....

Bible God and Natural Causes

An Essay

debrief: This activity provides a substantial assessment of learning from the previous activities in the "God and Natural Causes" Activity Map while fostering family conversation about faith and ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body

Ethical Issues Investigation

debrief: This activity involves a cumulative or final project that allows students to use what they have been learning to investigate an ethical issue of their own choice ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 60 min

Evaluating Ethical Issues

delve: The Discover activities started students thinking about the role of science, faith, and ethics in relation to the human body. This activity engages students in working with ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 40 min

Explain It!

delve: This activity engages students in exploring the concept of cultural accommodation and its relevance to understanding how the Bible speaks about the natural world....

Physics Newton’s Laws 30 min

F = ma—Do Mathematical Rules Leave God “Unemployed”?

delve: Newton believed that the mathematical patterns he saw in nature showed God's greatness, but atheists later claimed those patterns made God unnecessary. This activity introduces Newton's second ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 15 min

Faith and Science at War?

discover: This brief activity presents students with the question of how complicated the relationship is between science and faith and establishes the position that a simple conflict model ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? HW

Faith and Science at War? Revisited

debrief: This is an alternate debrief activity. See also Activity 6: Reaching Out that revisits Activity 1: Faith and Science at War? It allows students to reconsider their response to ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 10 min

First Water Memory

discover: This activity engages students in thinking about their earliest memories of water. It offers a brief introduction to learning about water, grounding the topic in students’ personal ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 45 min

Follow the Raindrop

delve: This activity engages students in physically exploring the path taken by rainwater as it travels across school property, and asks them to consider the pollutants it gathers ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 20 min

Follow the String

discover: This activity introduces a basic concept of ecological science through a physical representation of how ecosystems are related. It introduces the ideas of interconnectedness and care, helping ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation

Forum on Origins

debrief: This activity uses a forum discussion format to accomplish several goals: engage student interest, provide public speaking experience, review what has been learned about Christian views of ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 60 min

The Fruits of Stewardship – A Case Study

delve: This activity looks at some of the complexities of species interactions and the effect they have on the environment, using the example of wolf populations at Yellowstone ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 30 - 50 min

Galileo and the Sun

delve: This activity explores the notorious Galileo affair and engages students in questioning whether or not it was a simple matter of innovative science versus religious dogma. The ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 30 min

God Sets Up His Temple

delve: This activity engages students in exploring a series of connections between the creation passages in Genesis and the descriptions of the tabernacle, helping them see how a ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 40 min

God’s Victory Over the “Monsters”

delve: Sometimes we read Genesis 1-2 and conclude this is “THE creation account” of the Bible. A look at other creation accounts in Scripture suggests otherwise. Comparisons with ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 10 min

God’s Nostrils

discover: This short introductory activity engages students in reflecting on the differences between metaphorical, literal, and scientific descriptions of the same events, and on how these differences inform ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 10 min

The Good Books

discover: This short activity is designed for the first day of the semester ad aims to grab students' attention and unearth some of their assumptions about science and ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 25 min

A Good Debate

discover: Students debate a random topic together and then step back to consider how we engage with one another about areas of disagreement....

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet 20 min

Google Everything

discover: The goal of this activity is to help students see online search engines as useful tools that may not be equally helpful for every kind of question. ...

Bible Resurrection 45 min

The Gospel Accounts

delve: This activity engages students in examining the four Gospel writers’ stories of the resurrection of Jesus and considering whether the differences between them undermine their trustworthiness. It ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 12 min

The Great Commandment in Science Class

discover: This activity encourages students to think about how love of God and love of neighbor remain central goals, even in the midst of disagreement. It engages students ...

Relationships Labs and Community

Group Challenges

delve: These activities can be completed by individual lab groups or as whole class challenges. These challenges can be guided or very open-ended depending on the level of ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 10 min

Hand Watershed

discover: This activity engages students in a practical, experiential introduction to the concept of a watershed, and to how pollutants can travel within a watershed. It also helps ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 40 min

He Sends the Snow

delve: This activity helps students see that “Word of God” refers to a range of things in Scripture, including God’s sustaining the processes of the natural world. ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 20 min

Hebrew in Science Class?

discover: This is a starter activity to introduce the Bible’s language of stewardship. It helps students see how faith, stewardship, and science can connect....

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 25 min

Here Kitty, Kitty

delve: This activity prompts students to think about how different disciplines and different questions help us see the world in different ways. It explores how scientific and non-scientific ...

Relationships Homework

Home Demonstrations

debrief: This activity reviews in-class science learning and invests in strengthening relationships between students and a parent or another adult. It engages students in conducting demonstrations at home ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 25 min

How Different Are These Views?

debrief: In this activity, students are engaged in visualizing the degree to which three broad Christian views of how and when God created agree and disagree using a ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 10 min

How to Disagree

delve: Learning more about how faith relates to science is not just a cognitive task; teaching and learning FASTly can affect important relationships. Students may be concerned about ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 30 min

Identifying Assumptions

debrief: This activity reviews student understanding of the nature of science, gives you a chance to diagnose problematic assumptions that students still hold, and provides a way of ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 30 min

Images of Science

delve: This activity enables students to investigate ways in which the wider culture sees science by looking at how science is represented in images and how the word “...

Bible Resurrection 10 min

The Importance of the Resurrection

discover: This first activity engages students in considering how important the resurrection really is to the Christian faith. It invites them to view their own assumptions in comparison ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 10 min

In the Beginning

discover: What if we started our discussion of creation with John 1 instead of Genesis 1? This activity helps students to see that theological conversations about origins need not focus ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 15 min

In the Beginning … Again

debrief: This activity asks whether students’ understanding of creation and the centrality of Christ has expanded. Students will discuss how their thinking has grown as a result of ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 30 min

Inertia—The Only Way to Travel to the Moon

delve: This activity introduces Newton's first law of motion, inertia, and connects it with the question of whether God is only active when miracles happen. It goes a ...

Relationships Homework

Interview (Religion)

delve: This activity aims to help students think about how to ask thoughtful and open-ended questions when discussing faith and science issues, and also to engage them with ...

Relationships Homework

Interview (Science)

delve: This activity aims to help students think about how to ask thoughtful and open-ended questions when discussing faith and science issues, and also to engage students with ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community

Inviting the Community

delve: Good communication with parents should begin before you have to alert them to potential controversy when difficult topics are approaching. This activity describes an evening event to ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 20 min

Iron Chariots

debrief: This activity offers a briefer assessment of students’ understanding of the idea of multiple causality in biblical narrative explored in the activity Why Not Both?. It asks ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 5 min

The Jerusalem Council

delve: This activity focuses on the early church's decision to welcome Gentiles into "the Way" of Christ without demanding either circumcision or strict Torah observance, resulting in diversity ...

Bible Resurrection 25 min

Knowing About the Resurrection

delve: This activity engages students in considering how we know things and form beliefs in multiple ways. It aims to help students see how our way of knowing ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 25 min

Knowledge…for What?

discover: This activity engages students in reflecting on reasons for seeking knowledge. It invites students to see compassion and reconciliation as possible goals for learning that relate to ...

Relationships Labs and Community 20 min

Lab Groups and Patterns

discover: Forming lab groups that work together for an extended period of time can help build community within a science class and also provide a context within which ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 60 min

Labs and Scarcity

delve: Students conduct a lab and then are asked to see it differently in terms of the resources used and the implications for how we think about chemistry ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 60 min

Labs, Scarcity, and Choices

delve: This activity engages students in working with limited resources during lab work and exploring the connections between choices of resources and character....

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith

Lights, Camera, Action!

debrief: This activity has students collaborate to create media content that informs viewers about stewardship problems and suggests changes in attitude and/or behavior....

Relationships Homework

Look Ahead, Look Back, Reach Out

debrief: This is a short homework activity for use at the beginning and end of a unit or topic in the science classroom. It engages students in observing ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 10 min

A Map

discover: This is a short introductory activity designed to help students identify what they already know about the relationship of the Bible to discussions of faith and science. ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 15 min

A Map 2

debrief: This activity revisits the introductory activity A Map in order to assess student learning and make students’ learning visible to them....

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 45 min

Meet the Cast

delve: This activity engages students in comparing the views of Christians holding three general positions: young-earth creation, old-earth creation, and evolutionary creation. Other positions exist but these three ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 35 min

Micah 6:8 Revisited

debrief: This activity is a follow-up to Activity 3: Bodies and Callings. It asks students to reflect back on their earlier ideas and to write an essay connecting Micah 6:8 ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 10 min

Miracle Survey

discover: This activity uncovers how students see divine action in both the laws of nature and in God’s more surprising activities. It engages students in articulating and ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 10 min

Miracle Survey Revisited

debrief: This is a follow-up to Activity 1: Pre-Test. It uses a repeat of the survey from that activity to gather information on how students see divine action and ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 10 min

Miracles versus Natural Processes?

discover: This activity explores why we think of various events in terms of God's participation in creation rather than in the two opposing categories of miracles and natural ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 50 min

Moabites: Friend or Foe?

delve: This activity focuses on the question of how Moabites are viewed by Israel in the Bible — are they enemies only, or can they become part of God's ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 20 min

Models in Science

discover: This short introductory activity engages students in reflection on how basic scientific models relate to reality. ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 15 min

Models in Scripture

discover: This is a short starter activity intended to introduce the idea of models as part of how we think about God and to engage students in some ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 30 min

Models of Adam & Eve

delve: This academically challenging activity looks at differences in interpretations of the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 in the early church....

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 15 min

Multiple Outcomes

discover: The aim of this brief activity is to help students to see that when apparent conflicts arise between faith and science, it is not always a matter ...

Physics Newton’s Laws 20 min

Natural Processes as God’s Tools

discover: Christian theology teaches that God is responsible for all that happens in the created order, whether God's role is obvious or veiled. Contrary to the common assumption ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 30 min

Not Just Warfare

delve: This activity provides a hands-on way of getting students to engage with the difficulties of a simplistic faith-versus-science view. It engages them in classifying claims about the ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 20 min

Observations, Inferences, Models

delve: This activity engages students in exploring more deeply the differences between observation and inferences....

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 20 min

One Drop

discover: This introductory activity uses a gallon bucket to help students to see water as a rare and precious resource. It engages students in the early stages of ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 30 min

The Parent Podcast

debrief: In this activity students create a short podcast to share with parents and relatives. The podcast is intended to invite the wider community into faith-affirming science learning ...

Bible Unity and Diversity

Paul’s Missionary Journeys

delve: This activity asks students to investigate one of Paul’s missionary journeys. There are several possible approaches, such as designing a poster or display or video, constructing ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 25 min

Pentecost and Affirmation of Differences

discover: The story of Pentecost helps us see that diversity is central to the gospel and its proclamation and prompts us to ask what diversity is for. This ...

Relationships Labs and Community

Photo Scrapbook

delve: This semester-long assignment prompts students to see how the concepts of a science course connect to their everyday life, to reflect on their own learning, and to ...

Relationships Homework

Photo Scrapbook

delve: This semester-long assignment prompts students to see how the concepts of a science course connect to their everyday life, to reflect on their own learning, and to ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 45 min

The Pillars of Creation

delve: This activity engages students in thinking about how biblical language relates to scientific language. It asks them to think about why the use of language in the ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 20 min

Pop Can Implosion

delve: This is an activity intended to dive deeper still into the distinctions between observations and inferences....

Relationships Labs and Community 15 min

Praise and Lament

debrief: This brief activity offers a way to wrap up a unit, semester, or the entire year by reflecting on how virtue has been present or absent in ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min

Projectile Motion

delve: After solving projectile motion problems using kinematics equations, students will reflect on the different applications of this knowledge and see how applied physics knowledge can be connected ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 20 min

Re-envisioning the Parent-Teacher Conference

debrief: Conversations with parents at parent-teacher conferences provide an opportunity to communicate the educational vision of your program and help parents see in new ways how their son ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? HW + 20 min

Reaching Out

debrief: This activity invites students to personalize what they have learned about the relationship between faith and science, and to do so in a way that focuses not ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 120 min

Reaching Out Through Homework

delve: Homework, especially at the secondary level, can isolate students from parents and family, or involve parents mainly in the role of taskmaster or source of moral support. ...

Physics Newton’s Laws

Regularity in Nature: Boring or Blessing?

discover: This brief, repeated activity seeks to engage students in thinking about how the regularity of natural processes reflects God's consistent, gracious governance of creation rather than God's ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 25 min

Right-ness and Righteousness

discover: The Apostle Paul was confident in his theological convictions, so it is instructive to examine how he taught Christians to treat one another when they disagreed about ...

Relationships Labs and Community

Rotating Review #1

debrief: This activity provides a way of communally reviewing material in order to sustain the intensity of engagement longer than working in small groups and create interactions between ...

Relationships Labs and Community

Rotating Review #2

debrief: This is an alternate version of Activity 7 that requires less movement but sustains intensity of engagement longer than working in small groups. It creates interactions between different ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 45 min

Ruling and Stewardship

delve: This activity explores in more detail the biblical picture of humanity’s relationship to the natural world and of the call to stewardship. It engages students in ...

Bible Unity and Diversity 35 min

Samaritans, Eunuchs, and Gentiles: Insiders or Outsiders?

delve: This activity engages students in an analysis of the changing relationship in the early church between both Jews and Samaritans, and Eunuchs and Gentiles. It focuses on ...

Relationships Homework

Science Across the Grade Levels

delve: This is a short introductory activity designed to focus students on how they can encourage and serve those younger than themselves in the context of science learning. ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 25 min

Science and Shalom

discover: This introductory activity guides students to consider what shalom is and how it may be related to science....

Relationships Homework

Science in the News

delve: This activity engages individual students in investigating articles from online science news reporting, conducting a basic audit for initial signs of validity, and discussing with an adult ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 10 min

Science in Words

discover: This activity uses a graphic representation to help students see in a fresh way how science and faith are talked about in the world at large. Teaching ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet 45 min

The Science of Porn

delve: This activity introduces the topic of pornography into the science classroom. It helps students see how a moral and social issue such as pornography can be connected ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min

Science, Technology, and Motives

discover: This activity (which also appears in the Activity Map on Science, Technology, and Service) introduces distinctions between basic science, applied science, and technology, and engages students in ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min

Science, Technology, and Motives

discover: This activity introduces distinctions between basic science, applied science, and technology, and engages students in exploring how these relate to faith-informed motivations. Goals Students will understand the ...

Meta-Questions Models, Humility, and Truth 10 min

Seeing in Part

discover: This is a brief introductory activity intended to establish the general idea of models as partial representations in preparation for learning about models in science and theology. ...

Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 20 min

A Self-Emptying God?

delve: This activity explores the question of whether the idea of evolution necessarily implies that God could not be involved in the universe. It helps students see that ...

Physics Science, Technology, and Service HW + 5 min

Sharing Knowledge

debrief: In this activity, students show their progress in seeing how learning physics relates to shalom and discernment by sharing their thinking with others throughout the year....

Physics Science, Technology, and Service HW + 90 min

Showing Connections

debrief: This concluding activity allows students to reflect on what they have learned as it relates to shalom and love for others and to demonstrate their understanding. ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet

Spread the Word

debrief: This activity allows students to review their learning about faith and science online from the previous activities, and communicate it to a wider audience. Students will create ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors 35 min

A Stewardship Story

delve: This activity engages students in learning about one community’s efforts to bring science, education, faith, and action together to improve conditions in a watershed. It encourages ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith

Stewardship Survey

debrief: This activity is designed to help students connect what they have learned about stewardship with their own sphere of influence....

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith

The Stewardship Triangle

delve: This activity can be used as a continuation of and to augment the learning in Hebrew in Science Class?. It invites students to see the interconnections between ...

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 40 min

Surveying Parents

discover: This activity involves using a survey tool to elicit the views of both students and parents about faith and science questions. It will help you and your ...

Bible Resurrection 35 min

The Testimony of the Apostles

delve: This lesson explores the apostles’ reactions to hearing about the resurrection, and how their responses developed into a certainty that hold firm even in the face of ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet 45 min

Testing the Web

delve: This engages students in an activity evaluating online resources related to Christian discussion of faith and science questions about origins. As well as helping students to understand ...

Relationships Labs and Community

“That’s a good question…”

delve: If reflection and inquiry are being encouraged in the science classroom, then good questions will arise that reach beyond the textbook or the day's assigned information. This ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 20 min

Through Different Eyes

debrief: This activity provides a way of reviewing themes from earlier activities of this activity map and allows students to reflect on their own assumptions about the value ...

Meta-Questions Science and the Internet 45 min

To Trust or Not to Trust?

delve: This activity encourages students to look at what they accept as truth, whom they accept truth from, and how that can influence the decisions they make. It ...

Relationships Labs and Community 30 min

Tower Building Teams

discover: This quick, fun, and engaging activity is based on Tom Wujec's TED Talk Build a Tower, Build a Team. The focus here is not on learning science ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith

Trash Day

delve: Students analyze the trash from a class party and consider how trash accumulation relates to the idea of a closed system. They also step back to reflect ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 45 min

Understanding Adaptation

delve: This activity focuses on parts of evolutionary theory that are not controversial for most creationists, helping students to see that one can establish a relationship within areas ...

Relationships Homework


discover: This is a short homework activity that engages students in reflecting on their own learning processes, some common obstacles to understanding, and the relationship of virtues to ...

Relationships Water, Ecology, and Neighbors

Upstream Downstream

delve: This is a major project activity to be conducted over a period of time. It engages your students with students in another school upstream or downstream from ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 60 min


delve: The Discover activities started students thinking about the role of science, faith, and ethics in relation to the human body. This activity engages students in working with ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith

The Vegetables of Stewardship

debrief: This activity builds upon the Fruits of Stewardship activity and can also draw from various other activities in this Activity Map. It requires that students reflect on ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom

Walk of Wonder

discover: This activity introduces the idea that there are connections linking careful observation of the natural world, science learning, and the biblical call to wisdom and worship. It ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 10 min

Watching the Wave

discover: This is a scene-setting activity designed to get students thinking about wonder, wisdom, science, and faith....

School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community

The Week of Wonder

discover: This activity engages students in sharing what they are learning with members of their family and asks them to consider how to communicate a sense of wonder. ...

Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 10 min

What Can We Learn About Bodies?

discover: This activity engages students in generating examples of how the study of the human body relates to ethics, faith, and science. The activity helps students see that ...

Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 20 min

What Is a Closed System?

delve: This activity engages students in learning about the concept of a closed system in the context of a laboratory experiment and helps them see how this concept ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 10 min

What is a Person?

discover: This short introductory activity aims to get students thinking about the relationship between the scientific language used to describe natural processes, and other kinds of language, including ...

Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 30 min

What’s in a Name?

discover: This activity is about the meaning of giving names to things, which is a basic human impulse, as well as a part of scientific inquiry. It uses ...

Bible Unity and Diversity

Where Do We Go from Here?

debrief: This concluding activity engages students in applying their learning to other contemporary disagreements, including other faith and science questions. It asks them to see such disagreements not ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 30 min

Where is Wisdom?

delve: This activity engages students in comparing current cultural images of wise people with the concept of wisdom presented in Proverbs 8. It also invites them to see how ...

Bible Resurrection 45 min

“Who do YOU say that I am?”

debrief: This concluding activity offers writing tasks that give students an opportunity to draw together what they have learned and respond personally. It both tests understanding of the ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 15 min

Who Scored?

discover: This is a quick introductory activity intended to get students thinking about whether events can have multiple causes. It uses the story of a game-winning free kick ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 15 min

Who Would Say That?

debrief: In this activity students match fictitious quotations with the Christian view of creation whose advocates would agree with the quotation, or with “none” if no Christian would ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 50 min

Why Do I Do Science?

debrief: Activity 2: Why Do Science? and Activity 4: The DNA Drama focused on famous scientists’ motivations for doing science. This activity turns attention to students’ own thoughts, desires, and ...

Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 0:35

Why Do Science?

discover: This activity aims to engage students in thinking critically about why science is done, why people enjoy science, how it should be done, and the limitations of ...

Meta-Questions Christian Views of Creation 30 min

Why Do They Think That?

delve: When making decisions about faith and science issues, Christians use reason, which is our ability to think, and tradition, which is our theological perspectives, to interpret two ...

Bible God and Natural Causes 45 min

Why Not Both?

delve: This activity introduces students to the concept of multiple causality. It is relevant when thinking about faith and science because of its connection to the question of ...

Meta-Questions Faith and the Nature of Science 10 min

The World Before Our Eyes

discover: Activity 1 raised initial student assumptions about how the Bible and science are related. This activity focuses on how students imagine the subject matter of science. Does studying ...

Bible Wonder and Wisdom 35 min

Write a Psalm

debrief: This activity engages students in composing a psalm in light of what they have been learning about the relationship of biblical and scientific language. It offers an ...

Meta-Questions Do Faith and Science Conflict? 25 min

Zero-Sum Games

delve: Sometimes apparent conflicts between faith and science are spoken of as if they were a zero-sum game where each side can only gain by making the other ...