Bible Resurrection 15 min
discover: This lesson attempts to raise students’ awareness of the controversial nature of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For reasons that often claim to be grounded in science, ...
Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 30 min
delve: This more academically challenging activity looks at differences in the early church concerning the best way to interpret the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1. It ...
Other Sciences Ethics and the Human Body 20 min
discover: The goal of this activity is to have students read and respond to a variety of Bible passages that talk about our physical bodies, understanding that they ...
Bible Resurrection 30 min
delve: This is the first of a pair of activities focusing on the beliefs of ancient Jews regarding what happens after death. It aims to help students see ...
Bible Resurrection 30 min
delve: This activity continues Activity 4: The Bible and the Afterlife, Part 1, by focusing on the deuterocanonical writings and the New Testament. It helps students to see the range ...
Bible God and Natural Causes 10 min
discover: This is a short starter activity intended to get students thinking about whether events can have multiple causes. Using the example of boiling water, you will encourage ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 15 min
debrief: The word "law" implies a rule that cannot be broken. What do we mean when we refer to a pattern in nature, such as inertia, as a ...
Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 15 min
discover: This activity raises the question for students of what virtues have to do with chemistry, making their assumptions explicit as a basis for further learning....
Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 15 min
debrief: This repeats the initial activity to allow students to see whether their assumptions have shifted during their work on the activity map. ...
School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community
discover: Teaching FASTly includes attending to relationships. Good communication with parents should not begin with alerting them when difficult topics are approaching, but should be part of our ...
Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 15 min
discover: The three-word summary "creation, fall, redemption" is one way among many to capture the overall narrative movement of the Bible. Although limited, it succinctly captures a key ...
Bible The Drama of Creation and Evolution 40 min
delve: When did death enter the world? How does the theological claim that death is part of the fall relate to the scientific claim that death has been ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 30 min
delve: Newton believed that the mathematical patterns he saw in nature showed God's greatness, but atheists later claimed those patterns made God unnecessary. This activity introduces Newton's second ...
Bible God and Natural Causes 10 min
discover: This short introductory activity engages students in reflecting on the differences between metaphorical, literal, and scientific descriptions of the same events, and on how these differences inform ...
Bible Unity and Diversity 25 min
discover: Students debate a random topic together and then step back to consider how we engage with one another about areas of disagreement....
Bible Stewardship, Science, and Faith 20 min
discover: This is a starter activity to introduce the Bible’s language of stewardship. It helps students see how faith, stewardship, and science can connect....
Bible Resurrection 10 min
discover: This first activity engages students in considering how important the resurrection really is to the Christian faith. It invites them to view their own assumptions in comparison ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 30 min
delve: This activity introduces Newton's first law of motion, inertia, and connects it with the question of whether God is only active when miracles happen. It goes a ...
Bible Resurrection 25 min
delve: This activity engages students in considering how we know things and form beliefs in multiple ways. It aims to help students see how our way of knowing ...
Chemistry Chemistry, Resources, and Faith 60 min
delve: Students conduct a lab and then are asked to see it differently in terms of the resources used and the implications for how we think about chemistry ...
Relationships Homework
debrief: This is a short homework activity for use at the beginning and end of a unit or topic in the science classroom. It engages students in observing ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 10 min
discover: This activity uncovers how students see divine action in both the laws of nature and in God’s more surprising activities. It engages students in articulating and ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 10 min
discover: This activity explores why we think of various events in terms of God's participation in creation rather than in the two opposing categories of miracles and natural ...
Physics Newton’s Laws 20 min
discover: Christian theology teaches that God is responsible for all that happens in the created order, whether God's role is obvious or veiled. Contrary to the common assumption ...
Bible Unity and Diversity 25 min
discover: The story of Pentecost helps us see that diversity is central to the gospel and its proclamation and prompts us to ask what diversity is for. This ...
Bible Wonder and Wisdom 45 min
delve: This activity engages students in thinking about how biblical language relates to scientific language. It asks them to think about why the use of language in the ...
Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min
delve: After solving projectile motion problems using kinematics equations, students will reflect on the different applications of this knowledge and see how applied physics knowledge can be connected ...
School Context Engaging Parents and the Wider Community 20 min
debrief: Conversations with parents at parent-teacher conferences provide an opportunity to communicate the educational vision of your program and help parents see in new ways how their son ...
Physics Newton’s Laws
discover: This brief, repeated activity seeks to engage students in thinking about how the regularity of natural processes reflects God's consistent, gracious governance of creation rather than God's ...
Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min
discover: This activity (which also appears in the Activity Map on Science, Technology, and Service) introduces distinctions between basic science, applied science, and technology, and engages students in ...
Physics Science, Technology, and Service 30 min
discover: This activity introduces distinctions between basic science, applied science, and technology, and engages students in exploring how these relate to faith-informed motivations. Goals Students will understand the ...
Bible Wonder and Wisdom 30 min
delve: This activity engages students in comparing current cultural images of wise people with the concept of wisdom presented in Proverbs 8. It also invites them to see how ...
Bible God and Natural Causes 15 min
discover: This is a quick introductory activity intended to get students thinking about whether events can have multiple causes. It uses the story of a game-winning free kick ...
Biology Motives, Virtues, and Science: The Story of DNA 0:35
discover: This activity aims to engage students in thinking critically about why science is done, why people enjoy science, how it should be done, and the limitations of ...