Trash Day - Activity

Students analyze the trash from a class party and consider how trash accumulation relates to the idea of a closed system. They also step back to reflect Read More →

Zero-Sum Games - Activity

Sometimes apparent conflicts between faith and science are spoken of as if they were a zero-sum game where each side can only gain by making the other Read More →

Ask the Class - Activity

This activity aims to support student-adult conversations about science and faithĀ and to draw those conversations into the life of the science class. It engagesĀ students in Read More →

Why Not Both? - Activity

This activity introduces students to the concept of multiple causality. It is relevant when thinking about faith and scienceĀ because of its connection to the question of Read More →

First Water Memory - Activity

This activity engagesĀ students in thinking about their earliest memories of water. It offers a brief introduction to learning about water, grounding the topic in studentsā€™ personal Read More →

God and the New Atheism - Book Review

In recent years, the writings of the so-called ā€œNew Atheistsā€ have punctured the public consciousness with their insistence that God is a ā€œdelusion,ā€ that religion leads to ā€œRead More →

Science & Theology - Book Review

In Science & Theology: An Introduction, John Polkinghorne, President Emeritus of Queen’s College, Cambridge, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, presents a college-level textbook that, Read More →

Science in Action - Book Review

Bruno Latourā€™s book, Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society, evoked controversy in 1987 when it was first published by Harvard University Press, Read More →