Asking Around - Activity

This activity actively engages students in considering different perspectives on a biblical text by having them interview readers with different training and interests. It aims to help Read More →

Who Scored? - Activity

This is a quick introductory activity intended to get students thinking about whether events can have multiple causes. It uses the story of a game-winning free kick Read More →

God’s Nostrils - Activity

This short introductory activity engages students in reflecting on the differences between metaphorical, literal, and scientific descriptions of the same events, and on how these differences inform Read More →

Clothe Yourselves - Activity

This activity uses two New Testament passages to engage students in exploring Christian virtues and their relevance to the practice of science. It encourages them to see Read More →

Testing the Web - Activity

This engages students in an activity evaluating online resources related to Christian discussion of faith and science questions about origins. As well as helping students to understand Read More →

The Science of Porn - Activity

This activity introduces the topic of pornography into the science classroom. It helps students see how a moral and social issue such as pornography can be connected Read More →

Forum on Origins - Activity

This activity uses a forum discussion format to accomplish several goals: engage student interest, provide public speaking experience, review what has been learned about Christian views of Read More →