Burning Water - Activity

This demonstration, in which a sample of water appears to burn, helps students to see that water purity is impossible to gauge with the naked eye, and Read More →

Meet the Cast - Activity

This activity engages students in comparing the views of Christians holding three general positions: young-earth creation, old-earth creation, and evolutionary creation. Other positions exist but these three Read More →

Resurrection - Activity Map

Can we believe in bodily resurrection in the context of modern science? How is resurrection understood in the Bible and how was it understood in ancient times? Read More →

Group Challenges - Activity

These activities can be completed by individual lab groups or as whole class challenges. These challenges can be guided or very open-ended depending on the level of Read More →

Zero-Sum Games - Activity

Sometimes apparent conflicts between faith and science are spoken of as if they were a zero-sum game where each side can only gain by making the other Read More →

The Jerusalem Council - Activity

This activity focuses on the early church's decision to welcome Gentiles into "the Way" of Christ without demanding either circumcision or strict Torah observance, resulting in diversity Read More →